We can see that the chapter begins with some difficulties to the animals, having to affront to the lack of food. So we would see if animals are able to get together as a farm and affront the difficult times. "It was a bitter winter (...) followed (...) by a hard frost..." pg.54 Is with this weather that they need to rebuild the windmill, due to its destruction. Is here, were we can see how Napoleon tries to motivate the animal on the farm to get them to work, with the help of Squealer. As we mentioned before Squealer was like a media of propaganda, where he made conforting speeches for them.The character of Boxer´s is now when it counts with more importance. Animals take his example as inspiration to continue the hard-labour.
We can observe the strategy by Naopleon, of trying to fool humans, not making them know the bad situation Animal Farm is passing through. Then, things don´t figured out in a way that was planned, so we can see the action Napoleon takes. He abolished with the rebelion from hens though tough teachniques: Stops the hens rations and makes feeding a hen is punished by death. Later, we have nince hens death of "coccidiosis" and the rebel hens gave up. Compared to history, Stalin made opression on his governement por people to obey the system and anyone that showed to be against the government would be strictly punished and declared as traitor. So in both cases we can see an abuse of power, the ambition of controlling eveyrhing is what may blind them and make them use the vioence, force as unique solution.
Orwell may want to represent in Animal Farm, when he talks about Napoleon begining to stay rather at the house-farm and be reaguarded by the dogs, letting them and Squealer do the hard (dirty) work; to the time where Stalin gave orders and the secret police-gestapo (dogs) and the propagandists (Squealer) where in charge of taking them out together with the cruelty punishments. The "negociations" with Pilinkington and Frederick is reflected to the deals Stalin was taking through with foreign contries.
"Stalin vastly increased the scope and power of the state's secret police and intelligence agencies. Under his guiding hand, Soviet intelligence forces began to set up intelligence networks in most of the major nations of the world, including Germany (the famous Rote Kappelle spy ring), Great Britain, France, Japan, and the United States. Stalin made considerable use of the Communist International movement in order to infiltrate agents and to ensure that foreign Communist parties remained pro-Soviet and pro-Stalin."
Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Stalin#Changes_to_Soviet_society.2C_1927.E2.80.931939
Date: 17/9/12. Wikipedia. "Bolstering Soviet secret service and intelligence"
Good work, and well done for finding external sources to support your work, and citing them properly!