Blog post:
Analyze the similarities between the way O`Connor views Miley`s situation and the "phoniness" of pople that Holden describes in The Catcher in the Rye. Specifically discuss both Holden`s and O`Connor`s use of the term "prostitute". What are they trying to communicate by using such a strong description? Can this criticism be extended to society as a whole? Why or why not?
O`Connor`s blogpost response to the recent fact that Miley stated that her just launched video, "Wreckling Ball", was actually inspired by Nothing Compares 2 U, goes directly to bump into her recent attiude. What the irish singer tries to criticize is the way she acts in response to what the pop industry demands from her.
In the book The Catcher in the Rye, we have Holden
Event: Okonkwo Beats Ojiugu
Things Fall Apart
Unoka died and his son remembered him as someone lazy that didn´t have goals in life. Okonkwo is a really brave person and with values. So we don´t have an event listed were he is involved.
But talking of his son, Okonkwo, I can say that he thinks that it´s his wife fault for not been there when needed. It was ruled that during the Peace Week everyone should show respect and there musn´t be any type of argues. When Okonkwo has violated these rules he must be punished, and he is. Okonkwo feels regreted for his action altough he doesn´t admit it for his pride.
Ojiugu shows as someone submissive. She cries and doesn´t respond to the agression of Okonkwo.
Writing Assignment
Things Fall Apart
The character that I have chosen is Unoka. His son, Okonkwo, is a great known farmer and warrior. He is well known in his community by his braveness and for acting with justice. Until now I can say he is the main character. Going back to Unoka, we have him as a the father of this leader of the community. So we can see that it isn´t someone for being proud of. His son always reclaimed his father´s laiziness. He loved music and palm wine, so we can see he´s all the oppossite to his son. He also used to like going to festivals and he wasn´t very succesful growing yams.
We can see in these first chapters that Unoka wasn´t so interest on what happened in the village. He was just interested in the celebrations that were carried on.
William Butler Yates (1865-1939)
The Second Coming
In the poem read I can see that there is like an announcement of a tragedy that can`t be stoped. So with the words "thing fall apart" we have like an alussion to a terrible event. We have below the poem a reference on the context on when it was written: the first World War, 1919. So we can infer that the author is refering to the caos the world passed through after this big event.
Affirmative Action
Define the term
What is your position
Decide what the most important factor/consideration is
Come up with 3 good reasons to support your position
Affirmative Action is a set of policies that was designed to eliminate discrimination by giving opportunieties to minorities, women and any group who has been subjetc of discrimination in the past.
One one side people who are for affirmative action think that it´s the only way the country is going to be more diversify and less racist, like the use of quotas. They believe it is a way to make up the years of discrimination in the past giving special preferences to minorities. On the other side, people who are against to affirmactive action concludes that the program itself is discriminatory as it takes into account someone´s race, sex or origin. Personally I´m against affirmative action because the initial intend has been lost and it´s more focused on quotas, causing big arguments and debates where people "fight" for their rights.
Well I firmly believe that diversity is definitely a goal we should be working towards to but I don´t think that we should enforce diversity by forcing a person not to be racist, this means by affirmative action. I also consider that we can´t ignore the issue because we can´t keep allowing racism or sexism to be an obstacle on people´s life for accomplishing their goals.
Three main reasons for not supporting Affirmative Action are:
1. Altough this affirmative action program has as main objective reduce discrimination they will be still basing their decisions on race.
2. It may be degradating for minorities to say that they need affirmative action to succed.You would be supporting the idea that minorities can´t achieve their goals through their own abilities.
3. When someone from a minority receives a job or an acceptance to school because of this program you may be taking away to someone more capable this opportuniety just for race or gender.
Writing assignment
Date: 24/05/13
"I believe that global inequality is rooted in the ideas that are taught in schools and portrayed by the media in everything from talk shows to textbooks. Most people are afraid to peek through the cracks in their snow globe and see what exists beyond their merry blizzard."
Retrieved from:
1. What "ideas" do you think she is referring to in the first sentence? Do you agree or disagree with the second sentence, and why?
We can observe that the girl in the first sentence supports that the concept of global inequality is spread around the whole world, in things that are inherent in our daily life. When she refers to rooted, in my opinion she means to the whole systems all schools have implemented and how inmerse it is, also how the influence of media acts in this. How the huge impact mass media has can make see things in a completely different way.
In the second sentence from this quote we can see that not everything is like the way it appears to be. Some things are seing just in a superficial way. When in the sentence they say "to peek through...snow globe..." is to break that bubble that media with half trues gives you and makes you an ideal world, ignoring issues around the world (outside the bubble).
Writing Journal (II)
Date: 21/05/13
If we have a right to education-inalienable or not- does this tranfer into an obligation for the media to provide educational, relatively unbiased/uncensored content (publication, video, etc)?
To start with basically the one that would be in charge of providing education to people and make sure it is not only well taugh but that children do acquire some knowledge, is the Government. They are responsable for making laws that promote education in all parts of the country and also that are being followed by everyone.
Is here where media stands. In my opinion it´s not media the responsable for making sure education is provided around the world through news or stuff like that. They are just a tool that Government may use with good intentions. Taking advantage of the impact media has nowadays and in that way benefit the country.
The one that has the power in this situation is the Government and is up to them if they don´t see media as a useful tool. Apart from investing on making bigger school or building new ones in abandon places they should also reinforce education to be valued.
Writing Journal
Analyze the similarities between the way O`Connor views Miley`s situation and the "phoniness" of pople that Holden describes in The Catcher in the Rye. Specifically discuss both Holden`s and O`Connor`s use of the term "prostitute". What are they trying to communicate by using such a strong description? Can this criticism be extended to society as a whole? Why or why not?
O`Connor`s blogpost response to the recent fact that Miley stated that her just launched video, "Wreckling Ball", was actually inspired by Nothing Compares 2 U, goes directly to bump into her recent attiude. What the irish singer tries to criticize is the way she acts in response to what the pop industry demands from her.
In the book The Catcher in the Rye, we have Holden
Event: Okonkwo Beats Ojiugu
Things Fall Apart
Unoka died and his son remembered him as someone lazy that didn´t have goals in life. Okonkwo is a really brave person and with values. So we don´t have an event listed were he is involved.
But talking of his son, Okonkwo, I can say that he thinks that it´s his wife fault for not been there when needed. It was ruled that during the Peace Week everyone should show respect and there musn´t be any type of argues. When Okonkwo has violated these rules he must be punished, and he is. Okonkwo feels regreted for his action altough he doesn´t admit it for his pride.
Ojiugu shows as someone submissive. She cries and doesn´t respond to the agression of Okonkwo.
Writing Assignment
Things Fall Apart
The character that I have chosen is Unoka. His son, Okonkwo, is a great known farmer and warrior. He is well known in his community by his braveness and for acting with justice. Until now I can say he is the main character. Going back to Unoka, we have him as a the father of this leader of the community. So we can see that it isn´t someone for being proud of. His son always reclaimed his father´s laiziness. He loved music and palm wine, so we can see he´s all the oppossite to his son. He also used to like going to festivals and he wasn´t very succesful growing yams.
We can see in these first chapters that Unoka wasn´t so interest on what happened in the village. He was just interested in the celebrations that were carried on.
William Butler Yates (1865-1939)
The Second Coming
In the poem read I can see that there is like an announcement of a tragedy that can`t be stoped. So with the words "thing fall apart" we have like an alussion to a terrible event. We have below the poem a reference on the context on when it was written: the first World War, 1919. So we can infer that the author is refering to the caos the world passed through after this big event.
Affirmative Action
Define the term
What is your position
Decide what the most important factor/consideration is
Come up with 3 good reasons to support your position
Affirmative Action is a set of policies that was designed to eliminate discrimination by giving opportunieties to minorities, women and any group who has been subjetc of discrimination in the past.
One one side people who are for affirmative action think that it´s the only way the country is going to be more diversify and less racist, like the use of quotas. They believe it is a way to make up the years of discrimination in the past giving special preferences to minorities. On the other side, people who are against to affirmactive action concludes that the program itself is discriminatory as it takes into account someone´s race, sex or origin. Personally I´m against affirmative action because the initial intend has been lost and it´s more focused on quotas, causing big arguments and debates where people "fight" for their rights.
Well I firmly believe that diversity is definitely a goal we should be working towards to but I don´t think that we should enforce diversity by forcing a person not to be racist, this means by affirmative action. I also consider that we can´t ignore the issue because we can´t keep allowing racism or sexism to be an obstacle on people´s life for accomplishing their goals.
Three main reasons for not supporting Affirmative Action are:
1. Altough this affirmative action program has as main objective reduce discrimination they will be still basing their decisions on race.
2. It may be degradating for minorities to say that they need affirmative action to succed.You would be supporting the idea that minorities can´t achieve their goals through their own abilities.
3. When someone from a minority receives a job or an acceptance to school because of this program you may be taking away to someone more capable this opportuniety just for race or gender.
Writing assignment
Date: 24/05/13
"I believe that global inequality is rooted in the ideas that are taught in schools and portrayed by the media in everything from talk shows to textbooks. Most people are afraid to peek through the cracks in their snow globe and see what exists beyond their merry blizzard."
Retrieved from:
1. What "ideas" do you think she is referring to in the first sentence? Do you agree or disagree with the second sentence, and why?
We can observe that the girl in the first sentence supports that the concept of global inequality is spread around the whole world, in things that are inherent in our daily life. When she refers to rooted, in my opinion she means to the whole systems all schools have implemented and how inmerse it is, also how the influence of media acts in this. How the huge impact mass media has can make see things in a completely different way.
In the second sentence from this quote we can see that not everything is like the way it appears to be. Some things are seing just in a superficial way. When in the sentence they say "to peek through...snow globe..." is to break that bubble that media with half trues gives you and makes you an ideal world, ignoring issues around the world (outside the bubble).
Writing Journal (II)
Date: 21/05/13
If we have a right to education-inalienable or not- does this tranfer into an obligation for the media to provide educational, relatively unbiased/uncensored content (publication, video, etc)?
To start with basically the one that would be in charge of providing education to people and make sure it is not only well taugh but that children do acquire some knowledge, is the Government. They are responsable for making laws that promote education in all parts of the country and also that are being followed by everyone.
Is here where media stands. In my opinion it´s not media the responsable for making sure education is provided around the world through news or stuff like that. They are just a tool that Government may use with good intentions. Taking advantage of the impact media has nowadays and in that way benefit the country.
The one that has the power in this situation is the Government and is up to them if they don´t see media as a useful tool. Apart from investing on making bigger school or building new ones in abandon places they should also reinforce education to be valued.
Writing Journal
In my opinion, the acces to education is an inalienable right for every person-woman or man-withouth discrimination or maginalization. I think education is one of the most fundamental human rights and escential in order to excercise your other rights.
So, for instance, this inalienable right to education cannot be tranferred to another person. In here, I mean that this right belongs to you and no one else, you are the only person able to excercise it. With education one can do lots of things, it´s the base for someone to achieve personal goals together with a economically benefit. Having education will be advantageous for you and also for your kids. You as a parent will be in charge of their education, so your knowledge in some way will be transfered to them. You will be their role to follow. So if you haven´t acquired an educational basis then what education you will expect for your kids to receive? So all these goes as a chain. So being able to get education hasn´t need to be seing as a negative aspect. All the opposite it´s an essential tool that will help us in our future.
According to the reading the UNESCO and the United Nations work together to promote and develop the reight for every person to enjoy acces to education of good quality, without discrimination or exclusion. I think these projects promoting education are a very succesful way to help people around the world realize education is a primordial thing in our lives so it needs to present some minimun standards. And about the photographic exhibition "Every picture need a story" it shows and makes reflect the audience that it is till possible to get education despite the obstacles of poverty, gender inequality, etc. Personally, it made me take more concern and value the education I can acquire without passing through the aspects named before.
English assignment: Research in the news
Quantico, Virginia: A shooting ocurred inside a military base and left 3 deaths in USA.
A marine shot against his mates, a man and a woman ended death, then he commited suicide. This is not the first time there is an event that involves fire arms in USA. It took place last thursday at 10pm.
The coronel David Maxwell, base commander at Quatico´s base informed the media about the shooting.
They haven´t released the names of the ones involved. It´s the second time the (infanteria de Marina) goes through a tragic event. Monday of the same week, seven members of the "Second Expeditionary Force" died and 8 turned wounded when a mortar exploded before been launch during a practice exercise in the Hawthorne base, Nevada.
Press, Association. "A shooting ocurred inside a military base and left 3 deaths in USA." El Comercio (Lima) 21 Mar. 2013: A21. Print.
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