Homework: 21/03/13
has always seem immersed in politics, and so played a very important and decisive
role on it. Since instance, we can associate lots of things that since little
we have been tough. For example, the difference from good and bad: not to
steal, not to lie, to respect mom and dad; basically a number of principles.
But from where do they came? Well, basically it´s the principles from church.
So since years that we follow them and has become a natural instinct to associate
the difference of good from bad. Going from here I am going to present how the
use of condoms are technically such a controversial topic and at the same time
To begin
with, condoms are not allowed at all at church. They see them as something diabolic
that goes against their principles. But for instance this instruments are
helpful for people who has sexual relations and could prevent from getting a disease.
So if church goes against condoms that means they are in favor of people dying
from sexual transmitted diseases. Also the no use of condoms would mean an incredibly
increase on the birth rate. So many teenagers (16 approx.) would turn out pregnant
and they will either go for an abortion on having to raise the child at a
premature age that would not be seen good for society or church.
So this is
a big paradigm that society deals with and it involves church. So weather the
use of condoms isn´t approved by church there would be people using it, but
they would have to deal with the critic from church.
Quote 2: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world”.
With this quote I have chosen I can perceive that we are the ones that have the power to built things. Like, in other word, are our ideas the ones that would make our world a better one to live in. The reality we perceive and think that is the ideal is the one that we would take in count and from that make actions.
Comment on ted talk:
What I saw on the ted web page more than a
talk about what is happening around the world to say it in a way, it was like a
reflection about life. This girl, Candy Chang, in here video of “before I die I
want to…” present us how little we know the ones that surround us and she
wanted to change that. All these came through a recent dead of a person really
close to her, which encouraged her to question life and what is left after
dead. She wanted to do something respect on this. She talks us about the
greatness of New Orleans, and how she always passed by an old and abandoned
house which we can see full of graffiti. She shows us a project she planned
with that house: she turned up on a giant chalkboard that everyone could stop
there and left their thoughts. All began
with just an idea she did carry on, and from one day to another she got
surprised for seeing everything full of aspirations, dreams and goals. She was
really cheer up, also got a smile for some crazy ideas. There was one that was
like this: “Before I die I want to be tried for piracy” and many more
reflections about their lives, as silly as they sound ones. She wanted to share
this public space with everyone. And this experiment turned out to be a completely
succeed, because she mentions that she with time received mails from people wanting
this on their communities. And now there are on countries all over the world,
in Saud-Africa, Kasajstan, Australia, Argentina and beyond more.
Assignment about trip
We went to Chiclayo as a school trip with
all my classmates and teachers. We visited many places, first we had to be at
the airport around 2 am in the morning, and yes most of us were like
sleepwalkers. First we went to Huaca Rajada, a well-known museum up there.
There we knew more about the culture of paracas, mochica, and the lambayeque
one. There I learned a lot in a didactical way, with the explanation from the
tourists guys. I loved the hotel we stayed at; it had a pool and a nice lobby.
I would have liked to stayed more days and enjoy with my friends. I think I had
strength the connection with my friends and as same with my teachers. The
activities we carried on were fun and made us got together, like the activities
from “metalurgia”, the arqueology one, the one people made little boxes and
more stuff like that.
I would like for this to repeat next year,
I think the teachers that went to this trip knew how to handle things, to
manage us and their great spirit for keep forward. For example, there was this
mountain we were hiking and there was another level that went further and the
cheerful spirit from Mr. Darby cheer us to keep moving. So definitely I would
like to repeat this enjoyable experience.
Eigen: How to expose corruption?
1). Here in
Peru are many examples of corruption especially in politics. A great example of
this problem is with police, authority abuses of its power. When they stop the
cars with a silly excuse for them to receive a fine, and is there were the
drivers make an illegal thing called here a “coima”. People pay police man for
them to pass as unseen the bad way they had driven or if they passed a light,
2). I think
these countries pass for unseen these briberies committed and make the projects
established that they see they won´t bring as much as wealthy to the economy of
the country, they just don´t promoted. And this means a great move on what the
economy of the country is. The speaker says that is because of corruption especially
involved in politics, that the countries are because of failing governments
they have misery, poverty. And an example of that is that many countries in
northern just don’t follow the laws, they do what best fits to them don’t
caring if it I the correct thing to do. He also highlights that they just can’t
stop the bribery, for example Germany, France and many other countries involved
that are part of a systematic corruption.
3). He says
that civil society took advantage of corruption and still remains on some
countries. On the other side, he means to soft power to his small ONG he
created and make some changes supporting his thinking, stop countries from
bribery. They had a long term time perspective, but still they were able to
convince and make sign to Germany and some other countries I think to stop the
bribery and make it illegal in their countries.
4). in the
2016 presidential election.
5). I think
corruption is a he problem for society and it can be said that is an issue of
great importance that many countries will need to solve. I can see that Peter
Eigen talks on a big scale but I really got impressed on the way he saw things,
I didn’t imagine it went like that. So I think that this thing he made with his
ONG is a really big progress for countries and he talks about Germany as a
country that it might have sign with them but still in their country there is a
law that established that people can pay money to a depute and it’s that they
just can’t sign as a country that promotes no-bribery around the world.
definitely I have change my way of seeing things, now I am interested for
looking more of these issues. I personally would like to get informed about it,
for then to see what our country can apply to its system. And I think a first
step for this can be by spreading the word in a way, like making people know
about what´s happening.
Gender Violence Questions
1) Latin America has made huge progress in getting women into government, why is violence still such a large problem in your opinion?
2) What steps can be taken to improve the situation for women in Latin America?
3) What are some obstacles to taking these steps? In other words, if there is an obvious solution, why is it not being taken?
11. After reading this link I can say that they had to present the cause, like the main problem, to say it in a way they needed to make see authority the bog problem of abuse women’s were dealing with. They decided to stood up and confront the situation. Nowadays there is still a problem of violence to women due to that, the women does not count with that security to stand up and talk about the problem to authority, to report the abuse. They feel weak, without someone that could make them finish with the problem. So in my opinion women are the ones that “hide” the abuse when they don’t tell anyone about it.
2. I think that the step that would take time is education. With education we can guarantee that the women that have been abuse or deal with a situation would know who to look up for, where to go to be safe, and even know the difference between good and bad. Another great step is to create centers where victims can be supported economically and psychologically. For this step to succeed there would be needed to be known, diffused by some flyers or give some talks referring to this. Also it would be great to implement a program where police or authority would be train to deal with situations of rescue of victims of abuse, or be able to give security to the women´s in their area.
3. I think that they require money, and maybe they out problems like poverty first. Although education is a huge problem in many countries, but it is not well distributed. For example, they make programs that give education to kids from poor areas; but why don’t they also at the time give women education to prevent them from been victims of abuse. So the main obstacle of government making it hard to invest in this programs is another point we can have.
Worksheet 12: Music Video Analysis
Worksheet 12: Music Video Analysis
Gender Roles
Song Title: This Girl
Artist: Laza Morgan
Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with
as much detail as possible.
1. What are the men/women doing? (Dancing, sitting, swimming, etc.)
The men in the video is singing stand up, like if he is dedicating the song to someone (her ex, or a girl he just met). In the video there are scenes from a movie, Step Up, where the girl (the protagonist) is dancing and showing what she does best.
2. How are the men/women dressed? How much skin is revealed?
They are dressed normally, like wearing streat-cloth.
3. Are there more, fewer, or the same number of men as women?
There is the same number of women as men, there are two couples and then a bunch of people that represnets a crowd on video.
4. Describe the body language of the men/women: are they sitting, standing, gyrating,
mugging, etc.?
They are dancing and letting their body flow theought the music. The one that sings expresses his feeling through his hands and body movements
5. Do the men/women have power? How do you know?
Porbably women in this video have most of the power. Like, the men is doing the best to conquer her, he expresses his love to her and how she complements him, like his other half.
6. What’s the message of the song?
The message on this video is the men trying to hang out with the girl, like as said before they are one to another, like they complement each other.
7. What type of music is the song?
It is R&B genre.
Gender Roles
Song Title: This Girl
Artist: Laza Morgan
Directions: As you closely watch the music video, answer the following questions with
as much detail as possible.
1. What are the men/women doing? (Dancing, sitting, swimming, etc.)
The men in the video is singing stand up, like if he is dedicating the song to someone (her ex, or a girl he just met). In the video there are scenes from a movie, Step Up, where the girl (the protagonist) is dancing and showing what she does best.
2. How are the men/women dressed? How much skin is revealed?
They are dressed normally, like wearing streat-cloth.
3. Are there more, fewer, or the same number of men as women?
There is the same number of women as men, there are two couples and then a bunch of people that represnets a crowd on video.
4. Describe the body language of the men/women: are they sitting, standing, gyrating,
mugging, etc.?
They are dancing and letting their body flow theought the music. The one that sings expresses his feeling through his hands and body movements
5. Do the men/women have power? How do you know?
Porbably women in this video have most of the power. Like, the men is doing the best to conquer her, he expresses his love to her and how she complements him, like his other half.
6. What’s the message of the song?
The message on this video is the men trying to hang out with the girl, like as said before they are one to another, like they complement each other.
7. What type of music is the song?
It is R&B genre.
Contra thoughts
I think that those people that are making protest against the Conga project are out of place, they don’t need to make much deal about it. Like, they won’t stop it by making protest, so I think is useless. Then, they didn’t even try to dialogue with the ones that are in charge of the Conga project. So really, I agree to the continuation of the Conga project. The fact is that our country, as hard as I want to admit, it depends on mining, so this project must be carried on. And if this project have some consequences that they are, like the problem with the contamination of mining, companies should take in count this and fix it or give a solution that benefits to the citizen on Cajamarca and at the same time, to them.
Retrieved from: http://www.im-mining.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/conga.jpg
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