About the author

George Orwell

George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair, was born in 1903 in India into a middle-class family. He was the son of a British civil servant; he was moved back to England as a child. Is there, while he attended to St. Cyprians preparatory school in Sussex, that he witnesses the differences between social classes. As well, he received there a fine education but he felt out of place. This changed his perspective about social structures. He was the object of laugh for belonging to a low-social class.

Is in 1992, that he joins the Indian Imperial Police and passes the next five years incentivizing a love for the Burmese and a deep recent to the oppression of Imperialism. Because of this is that he returned to England in 1927 and planned to become a writer. His works and main ideas where influenced by this event.

In 1936, Orwell travels to Barcelona, Spain to write about the Civil War, he ended up joining the battle, fighting against Spanish leader Francisco Franco. He gets hurt and returned to England. The Road to Wigan Pier and Homage to Catalonia were both published after this event. The first book mentioned reported the bad conditions in the mining communities of northern England; and this writing is still criticizing thing that are happening nowadays, it can be compare with reality. And Homage to Catalonia is the story of his participation in the Spanish Civil War, is where he defends this political ideas. His experiences not only as a child, but also in here on the civil war influenced him greatly his view about social injustices. He decides to write against totalitarianism, together with having a negative view against Stalinism.

With a clear idea that his beliefs were against the Soviet Union is in his next book that achieve to collect the events during and following the Russian Revolution. Animal Farm, a fable that was a smashing success, it liked to the public as well as critics. In this book the author gave life to animals for the public to understand his message. He wanted us to understand not only the bad conditions and mistreatments, but also the ambition of power and making a contrast with Russian Revolution.

Another well known novel is 1984, attacks the idea of totalitarian communism by showing a terrifying picture of a world which there is No freedom at all. In this novel he creates a world that there political beliefs are centered on a power that go against freedom and on any human having rights, full of social injustices; so is completely opposite to what he would named as a perfect world ruled by a good system. So I think we wanted us to show that, to make an analysis of what would be of us in a world where communism rules, of course in the novel it is exaggerated, to catch the attention of the public. 

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