As years past, same as Chapter 10 begins, we can see a totally difference. First the farm is now is in charge of animals, to be clear of: PIGS; there is no more Mr. Jones. So we ca see how pigs had consolidate their power on all the farm, making animals obbey with their implemented rules (Communism).
We can see on this chapter how pigs are more like humans, they now appear to walk on two legs!
Sandra´s Blog
martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012
Chapter 9
Chapter 9:
Is in this
chapter that the character of Boxer comes of great importance. Maybe it was the
main intention if the author to highlight in this chapter the presence of
Boxer, how he interacts and the consequences to him on the farm. It was done
maybe to establish a comparison with reality, with the government of Stalin
(Napoleon). As said before, Boxer represented the hard-working village people.
His hard work one day need to come to an end, and so it did. So we can see a
confrontation between the destiny Boxer deserved with the one that Napoleon
decided for him. Although we can see that Napoleon and the pigs gave speeches to honour Boxer, but still I personally think that this was to create a good impression to the animals on the farm. Because they had in a great place the image of Boxer, he was the one that gave them strenght to keep them working. But i really don`t think Napoleon had a feeling of sorry for what happened.
lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012
Comment: Chapter 8
Animals start to doubt, especially
Muriel and Clover that suspect of corruption, in a way compared to history. But
they try to forget it in order to believe in a good government, that and the
fact that if they oppose they would run the destiny of death. Each time, Napoleon
rule´s where looking similar to the ones applied by Mr. Jones. Perhaps the animals’
don´t realize this or maybe they don’t want to. They are scared; the fear
imposed by Napoleon is predominant on animals. We can see that Napoleon changes
the concept of Animalism: one of the commandments passes from being “No animal shall kill any other animal” to “No
animal shall kill any other animal without cause". Later on, we can see how animals’ don´t demonstrate
care about their rights and how they are being exploited.
We are
witnesses of the luxuries and benefits Napoleon and pigs have, Orwell wants to highlight
these by making us see the injustices there are committed on Animal Farm by the
main leader of the Rebellion that proposed a change to Mr. Jones system. This
clearly makes a contrast to the government ruled by Stalin, where he apart from
counting with a great back up (guards) counted with many luxuries and only few could enjoy of it. The problems with the neighbour farms are tried to be solved as quickly as possible by Napoleon, applying any measurement that will be needed. Snowball and Frederick are pointed out, implicated and named as traitors. As a strong measurement Napoleon orders the sentence of death of Frederick, here there wasn´t any compassion. And Orweel wants us to assimiliate that to the system applied by Stalin.
By the attack of Frederick, Napoleon tries to get to the most briefly a plan and the proper measurements, but not everthing got as expected. The windmill was exploted, by the dynamite men put around it. The reaction of the animals was unexpected, all their hard work: banished; they went to attack directly to men and the went out running. The only labour of piigs after this, was to cheer animals, and bring a possitive perspective out of these. That day was commemorated as the "Battle of the Windmill", and I am completely sure there is on Russian History a similar battle that is represented by Animal Farm.
Comment: Chapter 7
We can see that the chapter begins with some difficulties to the animals, having to affront to the lack of food. So we would see if animals are able to get together as a farm and affront the difficult times. "It was a bitter winter (...) followed (...) by a hard frost..." pg.54 Is with this weather that they need to rebuild the windmill, due to its destruction. Is here, were we can see how Napoleon tries to motivate the animal on the farm to get them to work, with the help of Squealer. As we mentioned before Squealer was like a media of propaganda, where he made conforting speeches for them.The character of Boxer´s is now when it counts with more importance. Animals take his example as inspiration to continue the hard-labour.
We can observe the strategy by Naopleon, of trying to fool humans, not making them know the bad situation Animal Farm is passing through. Then, things don´t figured out in a way that was planned, so we can see the action Napoleon takes. He abolished with the rebelion from hens though tough teachniques: Stops the hens rations and makes feeding a hen is punished by death. Later, we have nince hens death of "coccidiosis" and the rebel hens gave up. Compared to history, Stalin made opression on his governement por people to obey the system and anyone that showed to be against the government would be strictly punished and declared as traitor. So in both cases we can see an abuse of power, the ambition of controlling eveyrhing is what may blind them and make them use the vioence, force as unique solution.
Orwell may want to represent in Animal Farm, when he talks about Napoleon begining to stay rather at the house-farm and be reaguarded by the dogs, letting them and Squealer do the hard (dirty) work; to the time where Stalin gave orders and the secret police-gestapo (dogs) and the propagandists (Squealer) where in charge of taking them out together with the cruelty punishments. The "negociations" with Pilinkington and Frederick is reflected to the deals Stalin was taking through with foreign contries.
"Stalin vastly increased the scope and power of the state's secret police and intelligence agencies. Under his guiding hand, Soviet intelligence forces began to set up intelligence networks in most of the major nations of the world, including Germany (the famous Rote Kappelle spy ring), Great Britain, France, Japan, and the United States. Stalin made considerable use of the Communist International movement in order to infiltrate agents and to ensure that foreign Communist parties remained pro-Soviet and pro-Stalin."
Retrieved from:
Date: 17/9/12. Wikipedia. "Bolstering Soviet secret service and intelligence"
We can observe the strategy by Naopleon, of trying to fool humans, not making them know the bad situation Animal Farm is passing through. Then, things don´t figured out in a way that was planned, so we can see the action Napoleon takes. He abolished with the rebelion from hens though tough teachniques: Stops the hens rations and makes feeding a hen is punished by death. Later, we have nince hens death of "coccidiosis" and the rebel hens gave up. Compared to history, Stalin made opression on his governement por people to obey the system and anyone that showed to be against the government would be strictly punished and declared as traitor. So in both cases we can see an abuse of power, the ambition of controlling eveyrhing is what may blind them and make them use the vioence, force as unique solution.
Orwell may want to represent in Animal Farm, when he talks about Napoleon begining to stay rather at the house-farm and be reaguarded by the dogs, letting them and Squealer do the hard (dirty) work; to the time where Stalin gave orders and the secret police-gestapo (dogs) and the propagandists (Squealer) where in charge of taking them out together with the cruelty punishments. The "negociations" with Pilinkington and Frederick is reflected to the deals Stalin was taking through with foreign contries.
"Stalin vastly increased the scope and power of the state's secret police and intelligence agencies. Under his guiding hand, Soviet intelligence forces began to set up intelligence networks in most of the major nations of the world, including Germany (the famous Rote Kappelle spy ring), Great Britain, France, Japan, and the United States. Stalin made considerable use of the Communist International movement in order to infiltrate agents and to ensure that foreign Communist parties remained pro-Soviet and pro-Stalin."
Retrieved from:
Date: 17/9/12. Wikipedia. "Bolstering Soviet secret service and intelligence"
lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012
Comment on Chapter 5
This chapter starts with the scene, where Mollie shows as a traidor to the concept of Animalism: she hasn´t worked as a team on respect of the work on the farm and it was found that she had been accepting ribbons and sugar from one of the men on the farm nextdoor. This was seen as treason. Compare with the real world, it could have symbolize, wheather the ones that didn´t agreed with the system applied or prefered going back to the old system. In other words the deserters/defectors (the ones who left war)
It returns to the conflict of power, in here is presented between Napoleon and Snowball. The ambition for preserving it and being the one at the power makes them enter in constant argues. As saw on class, we distinguished that they represented to Stalin and Trotsky, respectively. According to Animal Farm, on one hand Napoleon presents a more focus view in what his plans are, he is centered. In the other hand, Snowball thinks on a bigger scale, his plan of building the windmill will take more time and effort, but it would give a great product.
Napoleon by his desire of ambition, uses not clean techniques to beat his opponent by bunished him away. He uses the dogs he took away from chapters before, now they give fruits by using them as killing weapons against his enemies or obstacles to get the power. Is then where the figure of Squealers comes out. What he does, as he did before is to manipulate things, using propanganda, to achieve his purpose: mantain the pigs as the superior animals. He converts the action of Napoleon of getting rid of Snowball in an act of sacrifice to himself. Squealer uses the revolutionary spirit to join once again the animals, he emphasizes how cruel was the life with Mr. Jones and now everything is like it is beacuse of pigs. On the russian revolution there where the (gestapo?) like a police who where in charge of the deserters, here on Animal Farm can be allegorize with the prescence of the dogs, that Napoleon is in charge of.
It returns to the conflict of power, in here is presented between Napoleon and Snowball. The ambition for preserving it and being the one at the power makes them enter in constant argues. As saw on class, we distinguished that they represented to Stalin and Trotsky, respectively. According to Animal Farm, on one hand Napoleon presents a more focus view in what his plans are, he is centered. In the other hand, Snowball thinks on a bigger scale, his plan of building the windmill will take more time and effort, but it would give a great product.
Napoleon by his desire of ambition, uses not clean techniques to beat his opponent by bunished him away. He uses the dogs he took away from chapters before, now they give fruits by using them as killing weapons against his enemies or obstacles to get the power. Is then where the figure of Squealers comes out. What he does, as he did before is to manipulate things, using propanganda, to achieve his purpose: mantain the pigs as the superior animals. He converts the action of Napoleon of getting rid of Snowball in an act of sacrifice to himself. Squealer uses the revolutionary spirit to join once again the animals, he emphasizes how cruel was the life with Mr. Jones and now everything is like it is beacuse of pigs. On the russian revolution there where the (gestapo?) like a police who where in charge of the deserters, here on Animal Farm can be allegorize with the prescence of the dogs, that Napoleon is in charge of.
lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012
Animals Rebel against Humans because they are fed up of the Mistreatments.
All animals in
Animal Farm are on a state of excitement tonight, after a roughly force of men
attempted yesterday to take back and to enforce the human power on the farm,
according to them as their property. That night we could saw, animals run,
fighting a battle in the barnyard and eventually humans were repelled by them.
Animals Farm, from a
start belonged to Mr. Jones, who was overthrown by his animals after they
become fed up, according to them, “to the mistreatment of themselves and their
compatriots.” And as it was expected his event didn’t stay simple like that; it
had some consequences. As Animalism was spread over the country, animals from
other farms weren’t too happy to continue with their lives as they were, they
wanted changes. Coming back to Animal Farm, Mr. Jones, together with other farmers
from Foxwood and Pichfield, were already leading addressing to confront the
animals who had taken his farm and to abolish any concept of animalism.

We had a little
chat with Boxer, an admirable, powerful, rough workhorse, who had left dead a
man. This marked the retreat from humans, because of fear. When we asked to
Boxer to describe us his feeling during this situation, he kept repeating: "He
is dead. I had no intention of doing that…I have no wish to take life," "Not
even human life” and his eyes were full of tears. Boxer was broke. He didn’t felt
capable of killing someone although the circumstances took him to take the life
of a man, for animals; their comrades.
This battle
marked animals, it symbolize for them the victory of defeating the mistreatments
of humans. It was decided it would be named the Battle of the Cowshed, since
that was where the ambush had been sprung. Also they decided to use the supply
of bullets and guns Mr. Jones left to fire on the 12th of October,
the anniversary of the battle; and Midsummer Day the anniversary of the
rebellion that started all.
We couldn’t get a
side from humans, but it can be said that they are troubled for being defeated
by someone they considered inferior. Considered by them as beasts, animals now
have assured their power over Animal Farm, for now no more humans would rule on
Animal Farm, they are now free.
I ask some
questions about these events on Animal Farm, to understand each side on the
confrontation. The one that helped me and give me some feedback of this dispute
is the military expert Jaime Baratheon, he has achieved some great battles and
now he is in charge of the base of strategies. According to him, “many
rebellions had taken a similar way. If there is an audience unhappy there would
be disputes, questioning the efficiency of power. If there wouldn’t be from a
start those bad treatments for animals, they would never question the ruling of
Mr. Jones, and as an effect wanting to get him out of the power. And what
respect to the confrontation, humans would get stand doing nothing and don’t react
to this rebellion animals had made. So the confrontation had been seeing
coming. Of course, there should be some pacific reforms that could be applied
in here; but as I see how animals are enjoying their position in power, being
free I don’t really know whether there could be a deal. The ones that know
would have to calm thing down are humans, since animals considered them as the responsible
of everything, animals want them to pay, to feel how they felt. That’s everything
I can say with what I had observed.”
lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012
Animal Farm in 2012
Is a war of independe against the Malian government, and they started the rovolution because the governement didnt knew how to takes things up and didnt managed the things well. There was an unbalance way of governing so this make the people to rebel and make listen their right to be respected.
Is a war of independe against the Malian government, and they started the rovolution because the governement didnt knew how to takes things up and didnt managed the things well. There was an unbalance way of governing so this make the people to rebel and make listen their right to be respected.
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