lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Animals Rebel against Humans because they are fed up of the Mistreatments.

All animals in Animal Farm are on a state of excitement tonight, after a roughly force of men attempted yesterday to take back and to enforce the human power on the farm, according to them as their property. That night we could saw, animals run, fighting a battle in the barnyard and eventually humans were repelled by them.   

Animals Farm, from a start belonged to Mr. Jones, who was overthrown by his animals after they become fed up, according to them, “to the mistreatment of themselves and their compatriots.” And as it was expected his event didn’t stay simple like that; it had some consequences. As Animalism was spread over the country, animals from other farms weren’t too happy to continue with their lives as they were, they wanted changes. Coming back to Animal Farm, Mr. Jones, together with other farmers from Foxwood and Pichfield, were already leading addressing to confront the animals who had taken his farm and to abolish any concept of animalism.  

Snowball, a very clever pig, had planned for this way ahead of time, knowing that Jones would eventually react like this. Everything was seeing as humans were winning, when they attacked the animals, and they were retreated. But humans didn’t count with the strategy Snowball had planned; they (animals) turned around and cornered them. The men ran off, leaving several animals dead or injured. Snowball´s great bravery helped them win this battle. Reporter: “Snowball how do you feel now, that you saved the day, you are like a hero…” Snowball: “I would only say that everything was planned, it turned out as it was thought to, we won; no more comments, thanks” This accomplish on battle gave animals confidence, it brought to the farm a spirit of friendship between animals. It gave Snowball great honor among animals, now they saw Snowball as a leader. But now how would turn out the relation between Snowball and Napoleon, would they achieve to control their ambition for powering, ruling…?

We had a little chat with Boxer, an admirable, powerful, rough workhorse, who had left dead a man. This marked the retreat from humans, because of fear. When we asked to Boxer to describe us his feeling during this situation, he kept repeating: "He is dead. I had no intention of doing that…I have no wish to take life," "Not even human life” and his eyes were full of tears. Boxer was broke. He didn’t felt capable of killing someone although the circumstances took him to take the life of a man, for animals; their comrades.
This battle marked animals, it symbolize for them the victory of defeating the mistreatments of humans. It was decided it would be named the Battle of the Cowshed, since that was where the ambush had been sprung. Also they decided to use the supply of bullets and guns Mr. Jones left to fire on the 12th of October, the anniversary of the battle; and Midsummer Day the anniversary of the rebellion that started all.
We couldn’t get a side from humans, but it can be said that they are troubled for being defeated by someone they considered inferior. Considered by them as beasts, animals now have assured their power over Animal Farm, for now no more humans would rule on Animal Farm, they are now free.

I ask some questions about these events on Animal Farm, to understand each side on the confrontation. The one that helped me and give me some feedback of this dispute is the military expert Jaime Baratheon, he has achieved some great battles and now he is in charge of the base of strategies. According to him, “many rebellions had taken a similar way. If there is an audience unhappy there would be disputes, questioning the efficiency of power. If there wouldn’t be from a start those bad treatments for animals, they would never question the ruling of Mr. Jones, and as an effect wanting to get him out of the power. And what respect to the confrontation, humans would get stand doing nothing and don’t react to this rebellion animals had made. So the confrontation had been seeing coming. Of course, there should be some pacific reforms that could be applied in here; but as I see how animals are enjoying their position in power, being free I don’t really know whether there could be a deal. The ones that know would have to calm thing down are humans, since animals considered them as the responsible of everything, animals want them to pay, to feel how they felt. That’s everything I can say with what I had observed.”

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