lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

If you could give your favourite character some advice at this point in the story, what would you say? Do you think they would listen to you? Give your reasons.

Well, as my favourite character mentioned before was Clover, and she doesnt makes a bog appearance, I would like to change to Boxer. Its own name says he is tough and he is. Now that the  pigs are handle in the farm he is still doing the hard work, but now he says it is for a good cause and he needs to do his best as possible. Now his efforts would not be for benefit of human, now they are for the animals. So, he takes the most hard part of the work, he may represent the loyal and hard-worker in society. In instance I eould say to him for open his eyes and look around him. I think that Boxer is strong enough to kill another animal, even a human. But, still his lack of intelligence and the iniciative of take the charge wouldnt let him to learn how to use his strenght against his enemies. 

1 comentario:

  1. Good work, especially now you are starting to identify the symbolism of the animals in terms of society.

    Another extra credit for this project, well done.
